DBpedia dataset v2015-04 (english version)
RDF triples | Subjects | Predicates | Objects | Time quota | Max results per request |
398,216,004 triples | 31,400,013 | 60,246 | 151,669,330 | 75ms | 2000 bindings |
Access the VoID description of the RDF graph at http://soyez-sage.univ-nantes.fr/void/dbpedia-2015-04en
Graph URI: http://soyez-sage.univ-nantes.fr/sparql/dbpedia-2015-04en
The SaGe server has a native support for evaluating a subset of the SPARQL syntax. It supports SPARQL queries with the following features:
To execute complete SPARQL queries using a SaGe server, you have two options:
The following SPARQL queries can be executed on this RDF Graph.
prefix yago: <http://dbpedia.org/class/yago/>
SELECT ?person
?person a yago:Carpenters, yago:PeopleExecutedByCrucifixion.
prefix dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
prefix dbp: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
prefix dbr: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/>
dbr:Raspberry_Pi dbp:os ?operatingSystem.
?device a dbo:Device;
dbp:os ?operatingSystem.
FILTER (?device != dbr:Raspberry_Pi)